Export with a new template

You can export documents from a successful filter job by providing a template that defines what to export. You can export documents with a Document State of Processed or Promoted. Documents in any other state cannot be exported.

Perform the following procedure to export documents.

  1. In the Project page, click >.
  2. View the filter jobs.
  3. Select one or more filter jobs.
  4. Click .
  5. In the dialog box, perform the following procedure.
    1. In , enter a name for the export job.
    2. In Export Template, click to add a new export template.
    3. In the dialog box, provide the following information.
      1. In , provide a name for the template.
      2. In , select one or more fields and click to add them to the export list on the right. In the export list, click to move it up in the hierarchy, to move it lower in the hierarchy, or to remove it from the export list.
        • To select multiple contiguous fields, select the first field, then hold Shift and select the last field.
        • To select multiple non-contiguous fields, select a field, then hold Ctrl while selecting additional fields.
      3. In , select how to process duplicates.
        • to include duplicates.
        • to include only unique filtered documents in the collection.
        • to include only unique filtered documents assigned to each custodian.
      4. In , select , , , or Images. With the Images option, you export the original images in PDF format.
        1. In , when is selected, you can choose how the system reacts if an exported document does not contain extracted text. Under , in , select one of the following options.
          • Choose , the default, to include blank text files in the export file set.
          • Choose to exclude blank text files in the export file set.
          • Choose to include a text file that contains your custom placeholder text. In , type the placeholder text to display, with a maximum of 255 characters. The placeholder text can include special characters.
      5. In , for most exports select , which is the default. For special cases, you might want to export and then immediately promote the documents. If so, then select .
      6. Click Save.
    4. Uncheck the Include Family checkbox if you do not want to export the family documents of the filtered documents.
    5. Click Submit.